Monday, October 13, 2008

Qwest Bravo Night, "The Monster Ball"

So if you know me then you know that my husband works for Qwest, it pays the bills so it'll do for now although lately he has been coming home really hating it and I just keep reminding him that its just for now and that he won't be doing it for forever!! But anyways so every six months they recongize the top sellers in IF and he was one of them. They threw this monster ball and told everyone to come dressed like the old horror movies. It was fun and surprisingly enough I was able to find something that worked!! I kept telling Sam that he should rent a tux but he kept telling me NO cause there won't be anyone dressed formal! Of course a few days before the event he tells me that he regreted his decision not to get a tux because when is he going to get a chance to dress up again!! Silly boys. All in all it was a fun evening. They had an open bar so we had a lot of entertainment! It was really good Sam got recognized so it was neat to hear his name called and see him go to the stage. We had fun and can't wait to see what they do next year!!


KT said...

How fun for you! Even though I have duked it out with some Qwesties, I think it is awesome that your hubby was a top seller! Go him. See, good things DO come from Qwest, at least if your hubby is involved in them.

Oh and look at you all hot! Good work!

The Duckers said...

YAY! I'm so glad the outfit worked out for you. I've been dying to see this post!! I know what it's like to have a hubby who hates his job. It's kind of a miserable life. We did it for a year. Life is so much better now that he enjoys going to work.
Good luck with that!

Somer said...

You guys look great! So what movie were your outfits from?