Friday, September 5, 2008

Russ' New toy!

So my brother in law got a new toy and so of course we all had to go out and try it out! Of course when I say we I'm not really talking about me cause there's no way I'd get on that thing I know I would probably kill myself so for my childrens sake I declined the ride. We ended up taking it a ways from my in-laws over by the river and my two brothers in-law, father in-law and Sam all took turns taking it for a spin, while my mother in-law Kitty and the kids and I watched. Of course Payton found something boyish to do and threw rocks into the river! Over all it was pretty fun and no one got hurt so that was a plus!! Of course none of them wore the helmet they brought,even Sam. I was getting on his case about it and everything but it didn't work. I guess I didn't do that good of a job.

My father in-law Brian!

Payton throwing the rocks into the river. It must have been fun cause he did it the whole time we were there!


Natalie said...

I can totally relate to hubbies doing their own thing when it comes to big-boy toys; safety's the last thing on their list! What can you do, right?!

The Duckers said...

Dorian would've put the helmut on just to shut me up and not embarrass him anymore than I already had. But first he would make sure that everybody knew he was doing this because HE wanted to not because I was telling him to. He is WAY too independant! It's aggravating.