Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Day To Be Thankful For!

Well here I am finally blogging about my Thanksgiving. All in all it was a wonderful day that ran pretty smoothly! I tried to get as much done as I could the day before because as you all knew I was feeding 20 mouths (yikes)!!! I was a little nervous about the turkey because I had never cooked one before but it turned out so yummy and it was so simple I couldn't believe it. Everything else after that pretty much flowed. We didn't end up eating on time but who does really? Other than that everyone I hope had a good time and was satisfied with the meal. I was asked a few times if I would do something like that again, but just calmly replied to ask me after it was all done and now as it is four days later I can surely say that I would definitely do something like that again. I love cooking and trying new things and decorating any kind of space although that to me is the most stressful. But I really liked having the chance to have Thanksgiving at our house and if given the chance again I wouldn't hesitate!!

Now as far as pictures are concerned I was so busy and Sam was in charge of the camera and he didn't really get any goods ones so I'm not even going to bother to post what we have, sorry! So you'll just have to use your imaginations how great it all looked!! Hope everyone had a great holiday and was able to think of things that you were thankful for!!


Natalie said...

Darn, I was looking forward to seeing the end results! Men.

Oh, well. I'm glad that it worked well for you and you were able to have some good memories from the experience, you little Martha Stewart, you!

The Duckers said...

I WANT YOUR STUFFING!!!! And I too REALLY, REALLy wanted to see how it looked and turned out. At least I got a sneak peak the day before!
Did anyone else bring their camera??